Human Chronicles

HUMAN CHRONICLES 9 Colours of nature Standing speechless on Mazinaw cliff, Struggling to pan my body gone stiff! Intensely colourful are the strokes of nature, Wonder what camera its beauty can capture! Vibrant canoers tickling the playful waves, Whistling winds tuning the rocky caves, Anxious and in awe at the rock climbers’ might, Need a lifetime to take it all in one sight! Counting my blessings Deep in the forests around Bon Echo, Past the walking trails, deer, birds, and gecko, Fallen leaves colourfully hiding the metal road, Leading to a clearing hiding a heavenly abode. Joining Buddhist monks with my silent prayer, Mindful of every moment now my hair is greyer! Thoughts and emotions shedding on the wooden floor, Cushioned by the blessings that touched my inner core.